Dizzy in Southeast Sicily

June 10, 2010

There are rivers, cascades, torrents of steps in Sicilian hill towns.

Steps in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily

Steps in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily Steps in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily

Ragusa Ibla is a natural gym—better than a Stair Stepper. No wonder the locals live such long lives. It must be the steps (oh, and the olive oil that old-timers drink like water).

I gain no weight here, though I eat  like a monster: great bowls of pasta alla Norma, cones of toasted almond gelato, artichoke flowers, deep-fried donuts filled with sweet pistachio cream, wheels of cheese.

Steps in Ragusa Ibla, SicilySteps in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily Steps in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily Steps in Ragusa Ibla, Sicily

To the hundreds of steps in town, add twenty-five more in my house.  I lie in bed at night, head spinning and spinning. Legs aching and aching. And I’m happy.


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